As you may already know, from September 2023 until February 2024, I participated in a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). This school has changed my life. I have learned to see myself more the way God sees me, and I truly came alive there.

Before my DTS, I planned to join the Logos Hope, but during my DTS, I started considering working as staff at Heidebeek. However, I had never asked God about it. So, during my outreach, I decided to ask Him. When I asked, He answered clearly with the statement “Just do it.” He told me to go for it, and that He would always be with me.

One thing I am convinced of is that True Love leads to Life. I feel a passion for people who have lost hope, including those who struggle with depression and are feeling lost. I was once one of them, but God saved me, and I found His True Love for me. Something that is also possible for others, they just aren’t aware of it yet. I feel called to show them God’s love and to show them that there is a way to a better life.

This is my motto, and I want to put it into practice. Therefore, I want to start working as a staff member at YWAM Heidebeek in September. I have been accepted to help with the DTS there for two years. I am looking forward to also coach people individually during this period.

Do you want to help me?

However, working with YWAM is not a “regular job,” as I do not receive a salary but still have expenses. I need 1400 euros per month. While I prefer to leave everything to God, it seems wise to ensure I have a group of people who encourage me, pray for me, provide financial support, stand by me, and so on.

I would like to ask you for your help. Would you help me realize my desire to serve God in this way? Could you bring my request to become part of my support group in prayer to God, and let me know by June 11th, 2024, if you would like to continue receiving these emails? Or if you would like to receive frequent updates via WhatsApp. And if you see/have the possibility to support me financially.

Could you fill in the “Reaction Form” for me?

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for reading my mail and I look forward to your response.

Samuel Rampersad

For more information feel free to contact me.

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